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FY24 Appropriations Sign-On Letter

The RYC urges Congressional Appropriators to provide robust funding in FY24 for programs that serve Opportunity Youth: at least a 20 percent overall increase in funding over FY23.

FY23 Omnibus Makes Progress but Misses Opportunities for Children and Young People

Five highlights from the FY23 omnibus budget deal that will impact the systems that work together to meet young people’s needs.


Two young people of color masked together, outside, in a city. We need employment opportunities for all young people.

Young Leaders to Congress: We Can’t Build Back Better if We Cut Youth Out

"Leaving young people out of the recovery packages will have significant economic consequences on our future work lives.”
Kalef Jones

Kalef Jones on Leading by Example

“Anyone can speak on all the things that are wrong in our communities, but it takes a certain individual to seek a position where they can change the way things are and make things better for the youth to flourish and thrive.”
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