As Congress works to finalize its FY25 appropriations and look towards FY26, we are urging them to invest in young people and our communities.

As a coalition of national organizations that work to support opportunity youth, RYC is urging Congress to pass a final Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations bill and to provide robust investments for programs that serve Opportunity Youth as you consider appropriations for Fiscal Year 2026.

RYC logo

March 7, 2025

The Reconnecting Youth Campaign (RYC) is a coalition of national, state, and local organizations that work to scale effective evidence-based federally funded programs that connect young people to education and workforce training. We are writing to express the economic benefits of federal investments for programs that serve Opportunity Youth, or those ages 16-24 disconnected from education and the workforce. These federal investments play an essential role in young people gaining work experience, achieving economic self-sufficiency, and contributing to the economy. We urge you to pass a final Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations bill and to provide robust investments for programs that serve Opportunity Youth as you consider appropriations for Fiscal Year 2026.

Opportunity Youth are in every community across the United States. Measure of America recently released its report, Broad Recovery, Persistent Inequity, in which it presents 2022 youth disconnection rates and highlights how the COVID-19 pandemic created sharp upward spikes in youth disconnection within all states. In Oklahoma, 13.2% (67,000) of young people ages 16 to 24 are disconnected; 13,9350 of those young people reside in Oklahoma’s fourth district. In Connecticut, 9.3% (40,900) of young people ages 16 to 24 are disconnected. Research shows that being disconnected as a young person has long-term consequences; it is associated with lower earnings, less education, worse health, and more.

Every young person needs support to reach economic self sufficiency, from financial assistance to mentorship to access to essential needs such as housing, food, and dependable transportation. Opportunity Youth are no different from others struggling in our country, but they face additional unique barriers. Opportunity Youth often include young people who are disabled, are parents, have experienced homelessness, have been impacted by the juvenile justice system, and have been involved in the foster care system. Despite the steep climb that many Opportunity Youth face, they are eager to pursue the American Dream and build a better life for themselves, their families, and their communities.

The programs and services funded through these appropriations have a profound impact on young people’s well-being, reconnection, job training, education and skills attainment, and overall productivity. Major increases in the following federally funded programs will strengthen the reach and impact of valuable organizations working within local communities to support Opportunity Youth and improve outcomes. It will be a step towards the scale our country needs.

We urge you to invest a robust increase in investments for FY26 for the following programs to provide more opportunities for young people:


AmeriCorps State and National

  • An increase in these funds helps communities that depend on AmeriCorps. AmeriCorps members are the “people power” that community organizations train and deploy to respond to our country’s most immediate and critical needs.

AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps

  • AmeriCorps NCCC provides participants with work experience while supporting disaster response.

National Service Trust

  • Robust funding ensures that there is funding for Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards, which participants can use to repay qualified student loans and/or to pay current educational expenses at eligible institutions of higher education and training programs.

Department of Labor

WIOA Youth Activities

  • Providers of these programs work with local employers to develop education and training that responds to the needs of local businesses and provides participants with necessary skills to enter the workforce and school. Increased support for this program will allow providers to reach more young people throughout the country who are out of school and face barriers to employment. As WIOA is currently the only law that allocates money specifically to opportunity youth, investing in WIOA is critical for reconnecting opportunity youth.


  • These funds support highly competitive grants to organizations across the country to implement the YouthBuild model. In YouthBuild, opportunity youth reclaim their education, gain job skills, and become leaders in their communities. YouthBuild programming includes coursework for participants to attain their high school diploma or equivalency, mentorship opportunities, and pre-apprenticeship engagement in which young people earn industry-recognized credentials and complete hands-on vocational training.

Reentry Employment Opportunities

  • These funds will continue to provide funding towards community-based re-entry programs for justice-involved young adults who are currently or formerly incarcerated. These highly effective programs will continue to help more individuals overcome systemic barriers that formerly incarcerated young people face.


  • It is important to retain robust funding levels for youth apprenticeship programs.

Job Corps

  • An increase in these funds provides free residential career training and educational programs, along with crucial basic needs such as housing, food, and medical care to low-income young adults, giving them the skills they need to secure good-paying jobs and be put on a pathway to a meaningful career.

Department of Education

Adult Basic and Literacy Education State Grants

  • An Increase in these funds will provide more young people access to programs geared toward providing education and literacy services and basic skills they need to obtain a high school equivalency credential.

McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program

  • These funds provide programs with critical assistance for community organizations, school districts, and public agencies around the country that serve children and youth experiencing homelessness. These programs provide young people experiencing homelessness with the extra support they need to enroll in school.

These recommendations will help reconnect the 4.3 million opportunity youth in the United States to high-quality education and training opportunities, bolstering local economies, and strengthening our nation’s workforce. Thank you for considering this request. We appreciate your consideration of our request. Thank you for your leadership and attention to these important matters.


Children’s Defense Fund

The Corps Network

The Forum for Youth Investment

Jobs For The Future (JFF)

National Collaborative for Transformative Youth Policy (TYP Collaborative)

National Youth Employment Coalition (NYEC)

Opportunity Youth United (OYU)

Young Invincibles

YouthBuild Global

American Association of People with Disabilities
American Muslim Health Professionals
American Youth Association
Arizona Center for Youth Resources
Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions
Big Thought
CA Opportunity Youth Network (COYN)
California Opportunity Youth Network
Chicago Jobs Council
Childen’s Funding Project
Children’s Defense Fund
Coalition on Human Needs
COMPASS Youth Collaborative, Inc.
Cradle to Career Partnership anchored at United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona
Drug Policy Alliance
First Place for Youth
First Quarter Strategies
Food Bank of Northern Nevada
Forge City Works
Foster Care to Success
FREE Arizona
Institute for Educational Leadership
John Muir CHarter Schools
Justice and Joy National Collaborative (formerly National Crittenton)
Justice Policy Institute
Juvenile Law Center
Larkin Street Youth Services
Little Listeners
Liveability NWVCIL
LLOTC /Little Listeners of the Carolina’s
Lone Star Justice Alliance
MAGIC Charities Foundation
MCHS Family of Services

Milwaukee Christian Center
NASW – ME Chapter
National Association of Counsel for Children
National Association of Social Workers – Kentucky Chapter
National Association of Social Workers – Louisiana Chapter
National Association of Social Workers – Michigan Chapter
National Association of Social Workers – Texas Chapter
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
National Association of Social Workers Ohio Chapter
National Association of Social Workers-Mississippi Chapter
National Youth Justice Network
NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
New Door Ventures
New Orleans Career Center
New Ways to Work, Inc
Open Doors Academy
Opportunity Youth United
Partners In Development Foundation
Philadelphia Youth Network
Phipps Neighborhoods
Public Advocacy for Kids (PAK)
Sea Haven For Youth Inc
Search Institute
Strategies for Youth Inc.
Success Centers
The Gault Center
Urban Strategies Council
Washington Literacy Center
We The People United For Change Inc
Wenatchee Valley YMCA
World Ocean School
WZA Consultant
Youth First Justice Collaborative
Youth Mentoring Collaborative
Youth Law Center
Youth Oasis
Youth Villages
YouthBuild NYC Collaborative

Abbie Evans
Alex Lundrigan
Alisha Maidens
Allison Green
Amy Borror
Angela Reed
April Tate
Arnold F Fege
Ayesha Cammaerts
Ben Dubow
Brenda Dasher
Brenda Rosen
Christopher McLaughlin
Claire Jecklin
Colleen Pagter
Curtis Joe
Dana Paglia-King
Danielle Smith
David A. Harris
David Calvert
Deborah Weinstein
Deborah Wilson Gadsden
Deshawn Childress
Dorothy Moulthrop
Dorry Foster
Eileen McCaffrey
Elizabeth Henneke
Ericka Page
Erika Kirkpatrick
Erin Caple
Esther Grambs
Eugene Roehlkepartain
Glenn Eagleson
Gwen Bouie-Haynes, PhD, LMSW
Hannah Myers
Heather Wilkes
J. Eric Atherholt
Jamiel L. Alexander
Jeannette Pai-Espinosa
JenDina Bowers
Jon Gould
Joseph Bertoletti
Judith Ackerman
Justin Curry
Justin Truong
Karen Higgins
Karen Reside
Kat Jutras
Keith Wallington
Kendelle Brown
Kendra Bozarth

Kevin Hickey
Kevin Roach
Kimberly Pham
Lakeisha Steele
Lauren Reliford, MSW
Lauri Collier
Leigh-Anna Faith
Lisa Thurau
Lynn Currier Stanley
Malenia Swinton
Maria Whyte
Maritza Perez Medina
Meko McCarthy
Michael Lewis
Michaela Pommells
Michelle Lessly Blackburn
Mike Dean
Min. Christian S. Watkins
Monique Miles
Mustafa El Shabazz Bey
Nikki Shockey
R.J. Guess
Rachel Eisner
Robert Sainz
Roxolana Golas
Sean Hughes
Senior Practice Associate
Serita Cox
Shane Piccinini
Shannon Epner
Shaquita Ogletree
Sharlet Barnett
Shawn Kanaiaupuni
Sherilyn Adams
Shoaeb Basha
Stephanie Malia Krauss
Steve Patrick
Steven Kirk
Susan Mangold
Tekoah Boatner
Terrell Danley
Thomas Showalter
Travis Hodges
Will Francis
Willie Thomas
Yasmin Vafa
Yuridiana Rentería